Create Beautiful Presentations with Online Presentation Maker Haiku Deck [#mapodcast]]

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The Marketing Automation 101 Podcast from Visual Contenting discusses about the inside out of marketing automation, visual communications and how they can help small to medium businesses succeed through proven methods, best practices and expert advice.

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Whether you want to gain that first impression with your manager, nail your pitch and win over your potential clients or get maximum results on launching new products, presentations play a big role.

In this digital era where visual storytelling is the key to any marketing success, good presentations are one of essential ingredients that contribute to this success.

Tweetable Statistics

[bctt tweet=”Visual presentations stick in people’s mind for longer.” username=”VContenting”]

Visual presentations stick in people’s mind for longer

[bctt tweet=”The most popular presentations have an average of 37 or more images.” username=”VContenting”]

The most popular presentations have an average of 37 or more images

[bctt tweet=”Visuals increase retention by 42%.” username=”VContenting”]

Visuals increase retention by 42%

[bctt tweet=”Visuals get 94% more views than text-based information.” username=”VContenting”]

Visuals get 94% more views than text-based information

However, creating great presentations that won’t suck requires a lot of effort, time and resources. And that depends on how well you are with your Powerpoint or Keynote skills. Unfortunately, the outcome may not live up to your expectation. Sometimes, it just doesn’t work.

So you have to look for other options. And the good news is, here they are. Today, I’ll introduce to all of you a great online presentation maker, a Powerpoint or Keynote alternative, Haiku Deck.

What’s Haiku Deck?

Haiku Deck Homepage

Remember struggling with Powerpoint to visualize your ideas on screen? You can’t easily produce amazing presentations with Powerpoint in minutes unless you are a graphic designer and you have other supportive software like Illustrator or Photoshop to design beautiful icons, elements and import into your Powerpoint. This process takes time and a little bit of talent here and there.

For non designers like me, Haiku Deck is an incredible alternative as you only search for awesome photos that can resonate with your messages and Haiku Deck does the rest. I think we all know what’s beautiful and what’s not. That’s in our blood.

Simply put, Haiku Deck is an online presentation maker that makes it extremely easy to create your own presentations in minutes. You’ve got your story, just put it into beautiful slides in Haiku Deck and you’ve done.

Create Beautiful Presentations with Online Presentation Maker Haiku Deck

Pros and Cons

When I first used Haiku Deck, I was impressed with its huge gallery of images that you can pick one by one and include it into our slides. These images help us a lot in conveying our messages in a visual way. The second thing about Haiku Deck is it has a unique way of representing your content into beautiful slides. Of course, you should break your content down into one idea at a time for more clarity and easier for audiences to digest.

Unfortunately, I think what makes Haiku Deck not so popular compared to other online presentation makers is that you have less control over your presentations in terms of text size and colors. Additionally, its library of fonts and templates is limited which sometimes prevent us from being more creative with our presentations. But all in all, if you’re looking for a presentation tool that is quick and easy, Haiku Deck is a great choice. I suggest you have some presentation tools in your arsenal and switch among them to have fresher look for your presentations.

Presentations that You Can Make out of Haiku Deck

Following are some presentations that we’ve created using Haiku Deck.

Additional Resources to Best Use Haiku Deck

In order to create effective presentations with Haiku Deck, the first thing you need to do is to create your own story. Great presentations come with great visual storytelling technique.

We’ve also created a FREE online course about how to create effective presentation using Haiku Deck which you can learn more here.


Some videos from this course:

If you know or have new marketing tools that you want to share with Visual Contenting community, remember to give us a shout.

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