20 Tips to Organically Market Your Brand on Instagram [Infographic]

Wanna get more exposure for your brand on Instagram? Best of all, do you want to organically grow your brand following on Instagram? This infographic will show you 20 tips to organically market your brand on Instagram. Infographic courtesy of Market Inspector.

Monitor Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day [Infographic]

Social media platforms are undeniably a substantial factor that digital marketing strategies must consist of. The benefits of using social media have been imperative to businesses such that anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. It’s true that social media has been one of the most cost-efficient avenues … Continue reading Monitor Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day [Infographic]

5 Most Shareable Types of Social Media Content [Infographic]

This infographic reveals 5 most shareable content types on social media so you could do the same for your business to get huge engagements and shares. Infographic courtesy of Nextdayflyers.

How Marketers Are Expanding Their Reach with Social Media [Infographic]

This infographic from Modern Technolab shows amazing statistics about major social media platforms and how marketers are expanding their reach using social media.

How to Market to Different Generations on Social Media [Infographic]

It’s uncommon to find a business these days that doesn’t have a social media presence, but often it can raise more questions than it answers. Questions like: How do you make it work for your business and where do you start when it’s time to drill down your target audience? What inspires each generation on … Continue reading How to Market to Different Generations on Social Media [Infographic]

Peer into Periscope – How Periscope Can Help Your Business [Infographic]

Skip a day and it seems you skip yet another application or social media platform that’s good for business. Take Periscope: It didn’t come out of nowhere—it’s owned by Twitter—but it now has millions of daily active users and hundreds of thousands of hours of video viewed daily. Periscope is a live streaming service that … Continue reading Peer into Periscope – How Periscope Can Help Your Business [Infographic]

The Reddit Marketing Field Guide [Infographic]

Do you use Reddit to get more exposure for your business? If yes, how do you make the most out of it? Read more about this topic via the following infographic shared by Prestige Marketing.

Seven Fresh Ideas for Your Holiday Social Media Posts [Infographic]

Need some fresh ideas to ignite your social media channels this holiday season? Read more about seven fresh ideas for your holiday social media posts via following infographic from MDG Advertising. The infographic explores a number of creative tactics that are not overused by social media marketers. Areas covered include 360° holiday-themed videos, custom Snapchat … Continue reading Seven Fresh Ideas for Your Holiday Social Media Posts [Infographic]